Saturday 18 April 2009

Ingrown hairs on Shaved Heads

If you have opted to shave your head, you will sometimes get ingrown hairs that cause painful and ugly bumps on your head. An ingrown hair is where instead of the hair growing out of the hair follicle, it grows inwards and under the skin. Sometimes this causes inflamation (so the bump will go red), and sometimes the inflamation gets so bad that pus accumulates.

How can you prevent this?

1. Don't shave against the grain. Ingrown hairs usually occur when the normal route out of the follicle is disrupted by the shaver pushing the follicle backwards.

2. Don't shave too frequently. Three times a week is enough. If you do it too often, the razor is scraping the skin follicles rather than cutting the hair.

3. Use a shaving cream and a good quality razor and change the blades frequently. Doing it after a hot bath is best as the pores are open. Use some witch hazel or sensitive aftershave gel when you have finished to prevent rash. Tea Tree oil also works.

If you have ingrown hairs on your head, here's what to do:

1. Stop shaving and give your head a break. Let the hair grow to about a quarter of an inch before you start shaving again

2. While giving your head a break from shaving, use an exfoliator/scrub daily on your head. This should get rid of dead cells and open the pores so that the hairs can actually grow out.

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