Monday 13 April 2009

Psychological effects of Baldness

Most people's self-image is set at around the ages 25-27. In their minds they are always this age, and it's disconcerting to look in the mirror and see a different person. When something as major as your hair changes and you find you are going bald, it can be traumatic, especially as a full head of hair is considered by society to be a sign of youthful vigor.

Everyone goes through the stages of grief for their changed appearance - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. We laugh at people with comb-overs, but they are just men in the denial stage, who believe nothing is really happening, they just need to adjust the way they arrange their thinning hair. During the anger and bargaining stage, men are most vulnerable to seeking "cures", whether natural baldness remedies such as changing diet, to the "miracle" baldness cures where you are promised renewed hair growth if you would just rub on this ointment or take that medication. Depression occurs when you realise most of the miracle cures don't work, and acceptance happens when you decide to embrace your baldness and learn to groom your bald hair accordingly and make the best of things.

Self-awareness is key. If you understand the emotions you are going through, it is more likely that you will go from denial to acceptance in the shortest possible time.

Because a lot of male pattern baldness starts in the late 20's, early 30's, when men are still seeking out female partners, the change in image can be devastating for your self-confidence. Do women like bald men? It depends. To some women, balding is a sign of ageing, and they will steer clear of a bald guy. But if a bald man wears his baldness with a certain cool - he sports a close trim or shaven head, then some women are turned on by this. The key thing is the attitude of the man concerned. Women love confident men above all. If you are cringing about your baldness, why on earth should she accept it? But if you are OK with it, chances are she will be OK with it too.

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